Recently, I was walking into my kitchen, thinking about some of the things I had to do…that I really didn’t want to do.
Things like:
- Waking up earlier. (Side bar: I am not a morning person at all. If I could sleep in every
day, I probably would!)
- Dedicating more time to God.
- Cutting back on salt and sweets.
- Drinking more water.
- Cooking more. (The Struggle is REAL!)
So, these things are all going through my mind...For a moment, I contemplated not doing them at all. I thought to myself, “This is too hard.” Then, I heard these two words that changed my whole perspective. I heard God say, “KILL IT.”
Through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I knew immediately that God was referring to “IT” as my flesh.
So, God was telling me to “KILL MY FLESH” - Are you serious?!?
Yes, I am so serious! I know it sounds pretty morbid lol…but in this sense, it’s not.
I believe God is concerned more about our spiritual state than anything else…more than our physical hunger, more than our flesh - so much so that He tells us to “KILL IT” - Not physically but spiritually!
Don’t believe me? Let me show you this >>
Galatians 5:24 (NLT) says, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.”
In order words, if we truly belong to Christ, OUR FLESH MUST DIE!!! I remember when Apostle Kenneth Brown of Cameroon, Africa came to our church recently. He said it this way, “Prepare to Die!”
A lot of times, we cater so much to our flesh that we’re so immune to its desires. We give in so easily. We don’t put up a fight! We don’t even realize that it’s taking over and now opposing God’s desires for our life.
But Don’t just let you flesh do whatever it wants to do. COMMAND IT WHAT TO DO!
Discipline it. Train it. Put up a Fight and if it comes down to it…which it will - KILL IT.
I know this 21 Day Daniel’s Fast that my church is on right now has really given me an opportunity to KILL IT! Does anyone else agree?!?
THAT’S THE PURPOSE OF FASTING - to make you kill your flesh so much so that your spirit can become even more alive! When we don’t give as much attention to the flesh and when we give more attention to God, our spiritual senses are heightened.
In essence, when we Neglect the Flesh - IT WILL DIE by default. And our spirit man will come to the forefront. So, it’s not a Bad Thing! It’s actually one of the best things you can do for yourself!
It’s not going to be comfortable.
It’s not going to be easy.
It’s not going to feel good.
Ask any of the athletes you know. No, they’re not necessarily killing their flesh but they beat their bodies into submission.
1 Corinthians 9:27 (NLT) says, “I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should, otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”
So, they train their bodies to be disciplined. For what purpose? To be qualified to WIN THE PRIZE! I don’t know about you but…I’m not trying to get disqualified! I want to be trained and ready!
I believe somebody needs to know that you’re not just doing this to be doing it…
There is glory on the other side of your sacrifice. Don’t think lightly of it.
There is a prize to be obtained. SO, GO WIN IT!
If you hear God telling you to do something, JUST DO IT!
Even if you don’t want to, KILL IT!
Transparent Moments:
Case #1: Since we’ve started this 21 Day Daniel’s Fast, it has been really difficult on my flesh. To say the least, MY FLESH IS BEING CRUCIFIED! It is so used to salt and sweets and all the foods I normally eat. It’s even been tempted to add seasonings to my food! There was a jar of Lawry’s in my car. I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT. How did it even get there? How does this happen? lol
I’ll tell you how…Temptation is always magnified when you’re fasting. You want FOOD & THINGS that you can’t have. So, when you don’t get it, your flesh wants to buck against the discipline.
I’m not going to lie…My flesh does not like it. It wants to be satisfied.
On the Daniel’s Fast, “I eat but I’m never full,” as Minister Bowers (a minister at my church) would say! I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED with the food that I eat. Whether on the fast or off, only God can truly satisfy.
I mean, I could really go for some Chic-Fil-A today! But I’m expecting something GREAT to take place at my church and in my life during this Fast, so I stick with it. I KILL IT!
Case #2: This morning, I was scheduled to facilitate the morning prayer line at my church. Do you think my soul wanted to wake up at 6 a.m. in the morning? NO!!!!!!! I just mentioned that I am not naturally a morning person! Don’t get me wrong, I love to pray! It’s just the hour of the day that my soul isn’t too fond of.
Growing up:
I was the child who had to be pulled out of the bed in the morning.
I was the child that was running out of the house to catch my bus because I woke up late...AGAIN.
But I realize this, “My sacrifice is not in vain!” And that’s the revelation of it!
When you die to your flesh like Jesus did, you will experience the glory that He did, as well.
So, the next time you feel like giving in to your flesh…
The next time you DON’T feel like praying…
The next time you DON’T feel like fasting…
The next time you DON’T feel like doing what you know GOD IS TELLING YOU TO DO…
Don’t think twice about it. KILL IT!
I hope this post has encouraged you. Do me a Favor! If this post blessed you in any way, share it with someone you know needs to hear and feel free to comment below!
My church is hosting a Back-2-School Giveaway tomorrow, August 12th from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. AND YOU ARE INVITED! Come get Free School Supplies, Free Food, Music, Entertainment plus much more!
The Youth Ministry at my church will be hosting a Car Wash during the Back-2-School Giveaway! We invite everyone to come out and support our Youth Ministry by getting their Car Washed for a donation of $5.00 or more.
Tell Everyone you know! Spread the Word! IT'S GOING TO BE A BLAST!
Location: Faith Temple of Christ, 7601 Whitcomb Street, Merrillville, IN 46410
My sister and I recently wrote a book called, “The Encounter God - 21 Day Challenge”. There is so much revelation in this book that will usher you into your own personal Encounter with God. It’s available in my Store now! If you want to purchase yours, CLICK HERE. MY GOD! There are testimony’s coming up even now of experiences and encounters people have had with God just from reading this Book! Our prayer when writing was that everyone who read it and seriously took on the challenge would Encounter God like we did. So, I encourage you to Take on the Challenge! CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. #EncounterGod #LetsGo
Starting this Tuesday, August 15th @ 8:30 p.m., my sister and I will be on Facebook Live & Periscope for “LIES EXPOSED.” Yessss….We’ll be exposing LIES behind a lot of different things. Everything from depression to identity to relationships, alcohol, and more - we’re going to go DEEP! We’re going to show you what God says about it and even share some our life experiences with you. THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD! So, tune in live with us. Share, share, share with your friends and get ready!
Facebook Live @JenniferWalton | Periscope @GabrielleWalton
Much Love,
Jennifer Walton