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This Year...You can't AFFORD to do this!

Tues, April 17, 2018 1:45 PM

Hey Radical Teen,

Question for you: If every useless word you say costs you $100, how much would you owe at the end of your life? Seriously.

Let's say in a Single Day, you spoke...

10 curse words + 15 negative words + and you had about 20 useless conversations (With 100 words each lol)

For that Day alone, you'd already owe $202,500...

But Imagine you do this every day of your life for the next 50 years...

Your words would have cost you over 10 MILLION DOLLARS💰

Can you REALLY afford to do that?!?

This may this seem EXTREME but this is exactly how your words will add up later if you aren't careful now💯

Don't believe me?

Check this 👉 Matthew 12:36-37 says,

"You can be sure that on Judgment Day you will have to give an ACCOUNT for every USELESS WORD YOU HAVE EVER SPOKEN. Your words will be used to judge you - to declare you either innocent or guilty."

Meaning, every useless word you say, you will have to PAY FOR IT...whether you want to or not💰 You will have to pay for the words you say not just in the eternal life to come but in THIS LIFE RIGHT NOW...especially, if you haven't repented for it.

Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."

What have your WORDS cost you?


Now I know you may be asking, "How do I stop myself saying the wrong stuff? I've tried before. It's not that easy."

Well...your mouth only speaks what your heart is full of💯

So if you want to change what's coming out of your mouth🗣...change what's coming into your heart❤

That's what I had to do! I wanted my life to change...but I had to be willing for my heart to change too.


Before I got saved FOR REAL, FOR REAL lol...I used to listen to all types of crazy music.

Everything from Busta Rymes to Lil' Wayne to the Ying Yang Twins anything that sounded good. (FYI: Just because it sounds good, doesn't mean it is good.)

I watched movies & TV shows that were full of junk.

And I hung around people who talked filthy & had a curse word coming out of their mouths almost every other word.

No wonder why....I started cursing & talking CRAZY. My mouth was the PROOF of what my heart was FULL OF.

What do your WORDS say about you?



What's in your heart becomes your thoughts.

Your thoughts become your words🗣

And your words become your actions🚶‍♀️

So if you really want to change...then you've got to MAKE SOME RADICAL CHANGES to what's coming into your HEART!!!💥

Stop listening to that garbage🎧

Stop watching those crazy videos📱

Stop hanging around people who always have a curse word or something negative to say!


Your Words are TOO Expensive not to💯

Even though everyone else may be talking CRAZY...THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO!

Your Standard is Never People - IT'S ALWAYS JESUS.

It doesn't matter if you are surrounded with Cursing & Foul Language...





#RadicalTeenRizeUp I hope this helped! If it did, be sure to share it with a friend & encourage them to join my Text List for more!


Feel free to comment your questions below or send me a message on my "Connect" page. I will respond back to personal questions personally & as I feel led, I'll do my best to answer other questions in my upcoming blog posts/videos👍 COMING UP!!! 1. IGNITE YOUTH SERVICE Teens, if you don't have a church home or if you're in the NWI area, join us at my church for Ignite Youth Service on 2nd-5th Wednesdays at 7pm. Prayer starts at 6:45pm. Location: Faith Temple of Christ - Merrillville, IN

2. FAMILY SKATE NIGHT Get your roller skates on & come "Rep Your Decade" on Friday, April 20th at Lynwood Roller Rink!! Get Tickets Here 👉👉👉

3. JOIN US FOR A FIRE WEEKEND!!! APRIL 27TH - ENCOUNTER GOD NIGHT Youth & Young Adults! Join us for our Encounter God Night featuring the Ablaze Youth Ministry🔥 Our Theme is: "Breaking Cycles: Where Insanity meets Freedom". It's going to be Bananas...Don't miss it! Register Here 👉👉👉 APRIL 29TH - ABLAZE YOUTH SUNDAY Part 2 starts on Sunday!! Come experience God through song, dance, and whatever else God wants to do. Expect a Radical Service🙌💥 Invite your friends and come get in on this🔥 9:00am Faith Refuge Christian Center - Gary, IN 11:30am Faith Temple of Christ - Merrillville, IN


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