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How do you deal with your struggles?

In case you didn't know this:

"God's love goes beyond our faults and it sees our needs."

Too often, people can only see our rotten fruit but God sees the deeper root.

Transparent Moment

If you didn't know, when I was in middle school, I was bullied almost everyday (I will share my full testimony in the near future.) As I grew older, people would always say things like, "You look so mean". Sometimes, I would just get really angry at people even those that were close to me for seemingly no reason. While many of them may have thought, I was just an angry person, the truth of the matter was, I was a hurt person.

Anger was just the "fruit" but the verbal abuse I experienced was the "root".


THINK ABOUT IT. What shortcomings have you had in your lifetime that were really the cause of something much deeper?

Nothing just manifests overnight.

Anger doesn't just grow overnight.

Lust doesn't just grow overnight.

Depression doesn't just grow overnight.

Many times, our actions are a result of seeds that have been planted in us through whatever we have been exposed to or exposed ourselves to, whether that be good or bad.

That is why Proverbs 4:23 says to, "Guard your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

Yet still, I want you to know that it doesn't matter what shortcomings you've had in the past or whatever struggles you are presently facing, God loves you so much that He goes beyond your faults and sees what you really need. Not only does He see your needs, He has the power to meet your needs, fill every void, and ultimately transform you into who He has called you to be!


JUST TO BE CLEAR! God's love is not an excuse to sin. It's the drive that should make you want to pursue Him and draw closer to Him! That is true relationship with our Father <3

Yes. God is pursuing you. So it's time to pursue Him back! Even if you feel like you have a good relationship with Him, I challenge you to amp it up a few notches. There are so many areas in our soul and there may be areas inside of you that you don't even realize are void, wounded or just need to be changed. Don't ever let pride or shame keep you from pursuing God more.

When we come to God confidently, we will receive mercy and find grace to help us right when we need it the most (Hebrews 4:16).


It's time to really surrender to God and receive His love. Granted, everything won't happen overnight just like some of our shortcomings did not just develop overnight; however, if you just take that first step and stick with it, God's love will meet you where you are and will change you forever, for the better!


Dear Lord, I thank you for loving me beyond my faults and seeing my true needs. I ask that you fill every void and heal every wound inside of me. Lord, I want to please you so I ask that You give me the power and the ability to do what is pleasing to you (Philippians 2:13). Take away ever evil desire away from me and give me desires that always please You. Like a deer pants after water, let my soul pants after You, Oh God (Psalm 42:1). Lord, help me to embrace the unconditional love that You have for me, and never take it for granted, so that I can be all that you have called me to be. What you start, you complete so continue your work inside of me (Philippians 1:6). In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

P.S. The quote at the beginning of this post is from the song, "Your Love" by Psalmist Raine. It's Awesome. Check it out HERE!


A Few Updates

1. Creative Arts Seminar

Calling all Creatives, Business Professionals and People who want to develop in life just like me: Join me at the "Creative Arts Seminar" on May 17th - 18th hosted by my sister, Gabrielle Walton! She will be partnering with Gifted Professionals, CEO’s, Pastors and Leaders to empower us in life, business and the arts! There will also be a special segment Just4Kids called, "Creative Arts Academy" where they will enhance their gifts and have fun in the process. This Seminar will be like none other! Register Now!

Some Highlights that Participants will receive are: + Access to 5 Workshops

+ A Worship Experience

+ Prayer Empowerment

+ A Salad Bar & Refreshments

+ Gift Give-Away Opportunities

+ More...

Early Bird Registration is now open for 3 weeks only! Those who register by Saturday, April 13th will be entered into a drawing to receive a SPECIAL GIFT at the seminar! So what are you waiting for?

Click HERE and register now!

2. Join my Contact List!

Everyone needs encouragement every now and then. That's why I send out weekly messages to my contact list. I invite you to join a group of people who have a desire to see Radical Change in their life and in their world. I'll also be doing a Giveaway soon for everyone who is apart of my Contact List. Don't be left out. It's Free! Click HERE to Join Now!

3. Got Graphic Design Needs?

Don't do it yourself. Let Creative Rize Media Productions help you! We specialize in graphic design and are dedicated to our projects. Check out some of our client testimonials! I'm also excited to share that we've launched new business packages for aspiring business professionals and business owners at a discounted rate! Ask about our Business Packages by clicking HERE. Check out our page and make your Order Today!

4. Bad News & Good News.

The Bad News is the 20% off sale for our "I Slay Giants" has officially ended.

The Good News is you can still order shirts, including this one, from the Radical Store! You were born to Slay Giants and to be Radically Different from the world. Let these shirts be an inspiration and reminder to you. Order HERE!




© 2025 by Creative Rize Media Productions

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