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What's the BIG DEAL with Phones?📱

Sat, April 7, 2018 3:00 PM

Hey Radical Teen, Here's the thing. There's nothing wrong w/phones. Phones are NEUTRAL...meaning they are neither bad or good....but when you start spending more time w/your phone than w/God, it turns into "idol worship" and THAT'S A PROBLEM💯 HERE'S MY POINT You're sleeping w/your phone. 📱 You can't go anywhere w/o your phone 🚶‍♂️ Right when you wake up, you HAVE TO respond back to that text. You're on social media for most of the day. You're talking on the phone 4 hours at a time...2 someone you probably shouldn't be talking 2 in the first place lbvs (We won't talk about that right now lol) ALL OF THIS...and you don't have time 2 spend w/God? Not even 5 minutes? I'm not going to act like I've never struggled with this bc I'd be lying.

I heard God ask me before, "Why do you spend more time w/your phone than w/Me?" I had to really think about that. I had to do a self check & make some adjustments.

What does a phone give me that I feel like God can't? So I want to ask you the same thing.

"Why do you spend more time w/your phone than w/God?" Is it 4 affirmation? Is it 4 popularity? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Is it 4 eye candy? 🍫 Is it for porn? Is it to satisfy your lust? WHAT IS IT?

Whatever it is, It's not worth your relationship w/God. TRUST. Idol worship is just that "idle" worship. It's useless. It has NO PURPOSE - NO POWER💥

It can't save your soul. It just leaves you satisfied for the moment...but still empty inside. Exodus 34:14 (NLT) says, "You must worship no other gods, for the LORD, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about His relationship with you." You may say, "Jennifer...I'm not doing that. I'm not making my phone my "god"?"

But I would ask you, what gets most of your time and attention?

Whatever it is, THAT IS YOUR "GOD". Listen...God is Crazy about you💜 But are you just as Crazy about Him?

Do you really love Him more than anything...including your phone? The enemy would love to steal your worship...and I'd beg to say he's been successful in a majority of your generation so far...BUT IT STOPS HERE! TODAY, I dare you to spend crazy time with God more than your phone!

I dare you to starve your lust & and feed your love for God.

I dare you to turn away from social media affirmation...and turn to God's affirmation. God is calling back a generation to fall in love with Him again💜...but it all starts with you! #RadicalTeenRizeUp I trust this helped you! If it did, be sure to share it with a friend or someone who needs to hear it. If you have any Questions you want me to answer, comment below or send me a message. There is no stupid question! As I feel led, I'll do my best to answer them in my upcoming blog posts or videos👍 COMING UP!!! 1. IGNITE YOUTH SERVICE Teens, if you don't have a church home or if you're in the NWI area, join us at my church for Ignite Youth Service on 2nd-5th Wednesdays at 7pm. Prayer starts at 6:45pm. Location: Faith Temple of Christ - Merrillville, IN

2. FAMILY SKATE NIGHT Get your roller skates on & come "Rep Your Decade" on Friday, April 20th at Lynwood Roller Rink!! Get Tickets Here 👉👉👉

3. JOIN US FOR A FIRE WEEKEND!!! APRIL 27TH - ENCOUNTER GOD NIGHT Youth & Young Adults! Join us for our Encounter God Night featuring the Ablaze Youth Ministry🔥 Our Theme is: "Breaking Cycles: Where Insanity meets Freedom". It's going to be Bananas...Don't miss it! Register Here 👉👉👉 APRIL 29TH - ABLAZE YOUTH SUNDAY Part 2 starts on Sunday!! Come experience God through song, dance, and whatever else God wants to do. Expect a Radical Service🙌💥 Invite your friends and come get in on this🔥 9:00am Faith Refuge Christian Center - Gary, IN 11:30am Faith Temple of Christ - Merrillville, IN



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